From the Regional Office:

Dear Disciples,

By now, most of you are aware of a severe tornado outbreak Friday night, with more than 30 tornadoes reported in Kentucky (hardest hit), Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri.

Last evening, I spoke with Rev. Dr. Donald Gillett, Regional Minister of Kentucky. The news was grim but laced with hope. Don has asked that we do three things:


Pay (donate to Week of Compassion.

Stay-right now; the danger of trying to show up is too great.

Additionally, Kentucky has been declared in a state of emergency, and the National Guard has been deployed. Power is slowly returning to some areas, and once a centralized distribution center has been set up, the immediate need will be blankets and water.

In addition to church damage, many families have suffered damage to or loss of personal property. Remember the three things we can do right now – Pray, Pay, and Stay Put! 

As soon as more information is available, we will let you know. 

Thank you,

Regional Minister Melvin